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Looking for Ways to Serve at St. John's?

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms  1 Peter 4:10


Altar Guild -  The Altar Guild is a group of laypersons who care for the altar vestments, altar linens, and communion vessels of the parish. The members prepare the altar for services such as Eucharist and clean up afterward. Contact Betty Thompson 803-414-0887


Hospitality Committee -  The Hospitality Committee is designed to provide a reception for funerals, confirmations, baptisms, and visitations from the Bishop. Contact Rita McCaskill 803-530-2317


Greeter - Volunteer to greet visitors and members as they arrive for Sunday service.  Contact Frank or Julie Claytor


At the Altar 

  • Acolyte

  • Lector

  • Worship Leader


Other Ways? - If you have an idea, a talent or desire to serve contact Katie.

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