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Our church organizations help us reach our mission statement to nurture and witness to our community about Jesus Christ. It's a time for fellowship, education, and service.
Organizations keep the church connected!

The Acolyte's mission is to ensure the priest and the congregation have everything needed to complete the worship service. Acolyte(s) light the candles before the service and extinguish them after, carry the cross in and out of the church, help the priest set the table for communion, and distribute the plates for the offertory. Training sessions are held yearly to teach new acolytes and refresh veteran acolytes on correct procedures. If anyone is interested in volunteering, contact John Davis.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is a group of laypersons who care for the altar vestments, altar linens, and communion vessels of the parish. The members prepare the altar for services such as Eucharist and clean up afterward. This includes arranging flowers for the altar each week or when needed for a special occasion such as baptism, confirmation, marriage, or burial. The Altar Guild is the liturgical partner of the priest. It is a gift of time and talent that requires a special reverence of God’s house and a heartfelt commitment towards its love and care. If you feel led to volunteer contact Lisa Clarkson to sign up for an upcoming month.
Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
The mission statement of the ECW is “Prayer, Service, and Evangelism.” This is achieved as a community as well as individually by members who provide their time, talent, and money to others in need. Outreach both within our church and outside our church is supported often by not only our treasury but also by congregation members. For example, the ECW has sponsored families at Thanksgiving and Christmas supplying meals and gifts. Senior Resources has also been sponsored as well as other miscellaneous community needs. Each year the ECW sponsors several fundraisers as a way to fulfill its mission. Past fundraisers have included brunches between the services, auctions designed around a theme, a jewelry party, selling of cookbooks, and raffles. Each woman of the church is a member of the ECW and the participation in meetings and projects has been great.
St. John's encourages children to attend the Sunday worship services. However, there is a well-equipped nursery available where volunteers care for children when it is easier for them not to stay within the sanctuary for the whole service.
Women's Bible Study
The Women’s Bible Study meets once a week studying different books or subjects that strengthen their understanding and relationships with each other, the church, and our God. It is an opportunity for fellowship, prayerful support of one another, and spiritual growth. All women are encouraged to attend.
Men's Bible Study
The Men’s Bible Study group meets once a week beginning with breakfast prepared by members on a rotating schedule. The men read the assigned collect, psalm, and the lessons for the upcoming Sunday and discuss how these scriptures speak to us today. Prayers are offered for the sick and anyone in need. Membership is open and all men are encouraged to attend.
Louise Barker, President
Rita McCaskill, Vice President
Fran Burnett, Secretary
Mary Ann Hiott, Treasurer

Judy Addison, Rita McCaskill,
Mary Ann Hiott, Anne Lott,
Betty Thompson, Bev Watkins

Billy Cate, Ford Douglas, Jim Hiott, Preston Palmer, Bobby Temple, Bud McCaskill, Julian Adams

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