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Church Calendar and Why the Liturgical Colors Change Throughout the Year

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Liturgical colors signify our place in the church year.  The lines and vestments will reflect the season's color. 



White denotes joy, purity, and truth, and the color of Jesus' burial garments were white.  White is used for the major feasts of Christmas and Easter (or Gold might be used), as well as for marriages, baptisms, and funerals. 


Purple/Violet is for Advent and Lent.  Lent may also use unbleached linen.  This color denotes times of penitence and expectation.


Red is used during Holy Week, on Palm Sunday, and on the Day of Pentecost as well as for ordinations, confirmations, and consecrations. Red represents the fire and energy of the Holy Spirit and recalls the bloodshed for the faith and the church. 


Green is used during the longest season of "ordinary time" after Pentecost and during Epiphany.  Green symbolizes growth. 

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