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St. John's is truly fortunate not to have any long-term loans or capital debt. When the church burned in 1981, it was completely rebuilt and funded through insurance and generous donations from parishioners and friends of our church.  We have also had two renovations of our Parish Hall and the construction of a support building that did not require us to incur debt.   


Because the Vestry approves all expenditures and budgets, a Finance Committee was created to assist the Vestry in financial matters.  This committee recommends a budget each year to the Vestry for approval.  It also is responsible for the church audits each year.  This provides longevity and experience regarding financial matters in making recommendations to the Vestry.


We have been blessed with parishioners who have left endowments that continue to provide us with funds each year to help with regular cemetery and church grounds maintenance expenses.  We have been able to build and maintain a reserve fund that enables us to weather years when our income does not cover all of our expenses.


Financial stewardship at St. John's typically has been low key and expenses generally are covered through pledges, plate offerings, and gifts from members and friends of the church.  Pledge cards are mailed each year to members who willingly return the cards, although a second contact is sometimes needed.


The Covid-19 pandemic affected our finances during 2020 and early 2021 by a reduction in giving of approximately 30%.  The Church was closed from March 16, 2020 until September 2020 when we opened with limited members attending.  We do expect attendance and giving to return to our pre-pandemic numbers especially when we get a new rector.    


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