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St. John's Homecoming Day Celebration

We all know that Home Coming Day is an annual celebration at St. John's, but do you know how it began?


The Rev. G. Croft Williams became rector at St. John's in 1921 and it was he who inaugurated Home Coming Day at St. John's.  All Saints Day was chosen as the day for the congregation to assemble and for those baptized and reared in St. John's but living elsewhere to return to their Mother Church to join in Communion and fellowship one with the other.  A picnic lunch always followed the services where relatives and friends renew old acquaintances.  Eventually, a barbeque lunch took the place of the picnic with the meat being prepared on the church grounds.


This information was taken from the booklet History of St. John's Episcopal Church 1858-1958 by Laura Jervey Hopkins.  


Click here to see pictures from last year's Homecoming BBQ.




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